Thursday, 11 June 2009

Rethinking the final presentation

Well, Ive been doing some thinking. Yesterday we had a lecture from Frontier games, which I thought was pretty good, and there was a litlte segment at the end about what companies are looking for in new graduates and their showreels. The point was made pretty heavily about you only being as strong as your weakest piece on the showreel, and that companies are looking for more specialized individuals that a kind of 'well rounded' worker. Last night while I was trying to toil with some animation tests, I realised that I was in a way wasting my time. I rushed through the texturing of the models to get started on the things I felt were neccesery for a 'good' project. Looking at them now, Im going to scrap the animated section, and instead stick to what I enjoy and feel better at, enviroment modelling and texturing. This means that the final piece I submit wont have the animated charecters in there, instead will be a more polished flythrough/look at the set I built. I do plan on spending the summer months working on the animation to submit to the Musion Awards that Oliver told me about, but for now Im going to go back and really refine my texturing and set, and get some lovely shots for a litlte compilation to submit. I think that this is a much better use of my time as I do feel paticularly strong in teh animation department, adn that Id be doing it just for the sake of doing it in this project...

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